Volume 7, Issue 2 (2021)                   J. Insect Biodivers. Syst 2021, 7(2): 215-223 | Back to browse issues page

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Pourhaji A, Lotfalizadeh H, Taghizadeh M. Expanding the geographical distribution of two Pseudotorymus Masi (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). J. Insect Biodivers. Syst 2021; 7 (2) :215-223
URL: http://jibs.modares.ac.ir/article-36-49049-en.html
1- Plant Protection Research Department, East-Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research & Education Center, AREEO, Tabriz, Iran.
2- Plant Protection Research Department, East-Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research & Education Center, AREEO, Tabriz, Iran. , hlotfalizadeh@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1919 Views)
We present two new distribution records which add information about the presence of Pseudotorymus ispirlii Doğanlar and P. pulchellus Masi (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) in the northwest of Iran. Based on present records, both species were found for second times after type localities.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Systematics/Coleoptera
Received: 2021/01/9 | Accepted: 2021/02/23 | Published: 2021/03/4

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