Volume 9, Issue 1 (2023)                   J. Insect Biodivers. Syst 2023, 9(1): 39-47 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahmed I, Kazmi S I. New findings of Euurobracon Ashmead, 1900 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae) from India. J. Insect Biodivers. Syst 2023; 9 (1) :39-47
URL: http://jibs.modares.ac.ir/article-36-64003-en.html
1- Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, West Bengal-700053, India. , ishtiaq.tabassum@gmail.com
2- Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, West Bengal-700053, India.
Abstract:   (1200 Views)
In the present work, Euurobracon cephalotes cephalotes (Smith, 1858) is recorded for the first time from India. A new state record of Euurobracon triplagiata (Cameron, 1900) from Madhya Pradesh is also documented. This species was previously known in the Indian states of Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh. A distributional checklist of the world species of Euurobracon Ashmead is also provided.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Systematics/Hymenoptera
Received: 2022/09/4 | Accepted: 2022/11/11 | Published: 2023/01/1

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