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Showing 6 results for East Azerbaijan

Rahman Mohammadi, Samad Khaghaninia,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2015)

The studied specimens of the family Asilidae collected from various locations of East Azerbaijan province during 2011-2014. Nine genera and thirteen species of the family Asilidae are recognized. Two species Antipalus varipes (Meigen, 1820), Engelopogon goedli (Loew, 1854) are reported as new records to the Iranian fauna.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Based on specimens collected from East Azerbaijan province during 2009-2012, five genera and nine species of the family Scathophagidae are recognized. Eight species including: Cordilura rufipes (Meigen, 1826), Gimnomera montana Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2013, Norellisoma spinimana (Fallén, 1819), Parallelomma albipes (Fallén, 1819), Scathophaga kaszabi (Šifner, 1975), Scathophaga lutaria (Fabricius, 1794), Scathophaga stercoraria (Linnaeus, 1758), Scathophaga taeniopa (Rondani, 1867) and four genera (Cordilura Fallén, 1810, Gimnomera Rondani, 1866, Norellisoma Wahlgren, 1917, Parallelomma Becker, 1894)) are recorded from Iran for the first time. Photos and key to species of the family Scathophagidae occurring in this region are provided.  
Rahman Mohammadi, Samad Khaghaninia, Dmitry Astakhov,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Based on specimens collected from East and West Azerbaijan provinces during 2014–2016, fourteen species of the family Asilidaeare collected and identified. Two of them, e.g. Dysmachus transcaucasicus Richter, 1962; Saropogon megriensis Richter, 1966 are recorded from Iran for the first time. All species are listed along with their geographic distributions. Diagnostic characters as well as supplementary photos of new records are provided.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2014)

In order to identify the species of the family Lauxaniidae, a study was conducted in Horand region located in Northern part of East Azerbaijan province, Iran, during 2011-2013. A total of six species belonging to three genera were identified, including Calliopum caucasicum (Shatalkin, 1995) and Minettia lupulina (Fabricius, 1787) newly reported from Iran. The diagnostic characters, geographical distribution and photos of the studied species are given.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (3-2006)

The present research aimed at studing the roles and effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Atmospheric and oceanic Circulation phenomenon in the changeability of inter seasonal spring rainfalls in East Azerbaijan Province of Iran. The results of applying Pearson analysis indicated positive and significant correlations between Nino1+2 and Nino3 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) indices and spring precipitation in the stations under study, which is an indicative of the increase in spring precipitation during the occurrence of El Niño (positive or warm phase in ENSO), and precipitation reduction during the negative or La Niña (cold phase). Also, the results showed that the maximum correlation of spring precipitation with the ENSO SST indices existed in Mianeh and Maragheh Stations and the minimum correlation was in Sarab Station. The calculated correlation coefficient rates between the spring precipitation and ENSO SST indices indicated the effect of latitude (geographical factors) on the amount of affectedness from ENSO, meaning that in East Azerbaijan, the amount of correlation increases from east to west and from north to south, the maximum of which can be seen in Mianeh Station.

Volume 19, Issue 1 (4-2019)

The exchange rate as an important macroeconomic variable affects various economic sectors from different aspects. This study aims to determine the effects of exchange rate shocks on the performance of economic sectors of East Azerbaijan Province. To this end, first exchange rate shock is calculated using a non-linear Markov-Switching (MS) model and is included as an explanatory variable in the final model. To estimate the nonlinear model based on the maximum likelihood function, a MS model with two regimes and a pause, i.e., MSIH (2)-AR (1), is selected. Then, a panel data model with varying coefficients is estimated by pooled mean group estimator (PMGE). The model is used to analyze the effect of uncertainty in real effective exchange rate on value-added of 15 economic sectors of East Azerbaijan Province over the period 2000-2013. The results indicate positive and significant effects of capital, labor and the exports on value-added of economic sectors. Among the 15 districts of the province, exchange rate volatility has a negative and significant influence on value-added and production of 4 out of 15 sectors. The results call for paying more attention to exchange rate volatility and adopt effective policies to remove its adverse effects.

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