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Showing 6 results for Khorasan Razavi

Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2020)

Prelude: Due to the special characteristics and conditions of Security of the border, deployment of security in such areas is important.any form of insecurity in a border zone can seriously threaten different aspects of security in the country. Deployment of security along the border and in the border zone requires in the first place, investigation, and identification of natural and human-made features within the border zone. identification of natural and geographic features of a border zone is of paramount importance owing to the crucial role played by such bio-foundations in the social life and development of the border zone. They further contribute largely to borderline monitoring, management, and control systems.
Goal: The present research seeks to investigate the states of natural features, including the border stream, topography, and vegetation, in the Iran-Afghanistan border zone in Khorasan Razavi and further evaluates their impact on borderline and border zone security. materials and ways: the required data was extracted from the OLI sensor on the Landsat Satellite(2018), with the data then analyzed using GIS and remote sensing techniques in the ENVI )5.3(.
Conclusion: The findings showed that water scarcity and insufficient depth of Harirood River in most parts of the year set the scene for illegal trafficking of goods and drugs across the border, negatively impacting the border zone security. This further holds true for the seasonal lake of Namakar in the border zone between the two countries. Considering the topography, existing maps indicate that the presence of highlands in the vicinity of the Iran-Afghanistan borderline and extension of particular highlands into the mainland of Afghanistan have negatively influenced the border security.
Fatemeh Memari, Masoud Hakimitabar, Saeed Mohamadzadeh Namin, Emilia Nartshuk,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2016)

During a study on fauna of the frit flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) in Khorasan Razavi province (Iran) in 2014 and 2015, nine species of six genera were collected and identified. Platycephala rugosa (Nartshuk, 1964) is recorded for the first time for Iranian fauna. Geographical distribution and biological notes are provided.

Volume 6, Issue 21 (7-2009)

  Khorasan Razavi Province with 6.83 % Iran milk production is an important area of animal husbandry. In this study, the relationship between milk composition and total bulk milk somatic cell counts was investigated. 123 samples of bulk tank milk were randomly selected from 41 dairy farmers in the Province of Khorasan Razavi (Iran) during April–March 2006, every month. A total of 1476 samples were analyzed. Samples were analyzed for acidity, fat, protein content  and somatic cell counts. The results showed that the season of raw milk production did not have significant effect on the acidity. Fat concentration increased gradually from spring to winter and there were significant difference between spring and other seasons (P<0.05). Higher levels of the protein content were observed in samples collected during the autumn and winter seasons. The highest total bulk milk somatic cell counts were in July. Total bulk milk somatic cell counts had significant impact on acidity, fat and protein content. Moreover, the level of acidity and fat in milk decreased with increasing SCC (P<0.01, P<0.05 respectively). A significant (P<0.001) positive relationship was observed between total bulk milk somatic cell and protein content in milk. Also, positive correlation (R2 = 0.91) were established between direct microscopic cell count and Somatos instrument.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2012)

     One of the main inputs in manufacturing sector of Iran is fossil fuels with prices much lower than prices elsewhere in the world which are offered to producers and consumers. This accounts for a large share of subsidy payments allocated to different sectors of economy. The effect of subsidies on energy costs and prices of goods and services incur complex changes on the economy through allocation of resources. In this paper, using the computational general equilibrium model, effects of removal of fuel subsidies on production changes, cost and price in the Khorasan Razavi province has been studied. The results show that the elimination of subsidy on fossil fuels increased production, cost and price Indices. The highest growth rate of production and cost indices is in the gas sector and the highest growth rate of price index is in the oil sector.  

Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2011)

Preparation has been defined as concordant organizing in the form of general development policies and defensive necessities, which a countries existential atmosphere deserves. There has been less focus on defensive-security considerations so for in preparation plans, and offering schemes and strategies for land defense, security of military camps and centers. Also vital acute foundations against sudden military threats and attacks have been neglected. Implementation of defensive and security considerations in preparation plans is dependent up several changes, which are worthy of attention in such plans. These variations include geographic location of target region, type and land area. As the most important variations, we can mention military and security threats that the region face with, source of these threats and non-operating strategies and defenses, which are appropriate for these types of threats. Frontier provinces of our country have special situations and characteristics, and are in different political atmosphere in comparison with other provinces. Hence, in preparation plans of frontier cities, the defensive-security considerations should be modified and implemented regarding these characteristics. Khorasan Razavi province is facing with special threats and dangers that should be considered in preparation plans. This is because of specific geographic, politic and geopolitical characteristics that this province has, like being adjacent to Afghanistan. This article is trying to express the importance and position of defensive-security considerations in the preparation plans of Khorasan Razavi province through a descriptive-analytical method.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2014)

In the literature of information society, there is direct relationship between the use and production of knowledge and development, however, this type of development is not a balanced development based on international reports. The study every type of development we need to measure the indicators and factors which this study after the review of the information community index and their aggregate and localization has been allocated to clustering of the information in Khorasan Razavi province. The main questions in this study are: 1) How is the ranking of development base on information society’s indicators? 2) Is there relationship between given clustering and development’s ranking in the khorasan razavi? The results of Cluster analysis shows Mashhad area is alone in a cluster and the rest areas are in the second cluster. So, if we remove city of Mashhad in analysis, we can group the rest areas into three clusters. On the other hand, that clustering shows proximate relationship with other indicators of development such as the level of social development, human development and infrastructure development. On the base of total findings, we conclude that Mashhad city as the political center and the main pole of the province’s development, has concentrated mostly infrastructures and information society’s indicators. Due to the future comprehensive development of regions and cities are based on the information society, should have doubled attention to the balanced development of this province.

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