Showing 18 results for Turkey
Volume 2, Issue 3 (6-2010)
A great number of sociological studies on democratization emphasize on the role of social classes in democratic transitions and the consolidation of democracy. Some authors like Barrington Moore know bourgeoisie as the historical agent of democracy, and for the authors like Dietrich Rueschemeyer, the workers are agents of democracy. In this article, we argue for a new perspective on the role of social classes in democratization based on a comparative historical study of the experience of democracy in Iran (1941-1953), Turkey (1945-1960) and South Korea (1945-1961). We are going to show that there are no specified pre-supposed interests in democracy for any social class, but the interests are historical-situational constructs of the circumstances of period under investigation. Democracy based on such an analysis is not the function of historical action of a specified class, rather it is the consequence of power balance between the classes in a specific part of history. In addition, as a part of such a perspective, the article argues in favour of a structural explanation for democratic consolidation.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2020)
Three countries, turkey, Syria and Iraq that have the common spillway and basin of Tigris and Euphrates due to increasing dependence to these rivers they have had to establish a dam and control the water streams in their territories. In this regard turkey government which is located upper than its south neighbors based on eastern south Anatolia project or GAP for developing agriculture and industry in its eastern south territory need a huge amount of water of Tigris and Euphrates. Furthermore because of dam building in its territory has decreased the share of water for Iraq and Syria. The reduction of water of Tigris and Euphrates has had negative impacts on environmental security and inappropriate political, economic and social effects on Iraq and Syria. This problem and political goals of turkey in recent decades have made the conflicts and challenges among these three countries. This research based on descriptive and analytic method and resources try to answer this question that what is the effect of hydropolitic gab project on environmental security of Iraq and Syria and what are the turkey goals of this plan? Implementing the phases of gap project in recent decades has had negative environmental impacts such as water pollution, eliminating the rare species, increasing the desertification, destroying the swamps and basins and producing hazes in Iraq and Syria and it seems that turkey government is establishing the hydrohegemony in the region.
Gazi Gorur, Ozhan Senol, Gizem Gezici, Hayal Akyildirim Begen, Dilek Parmaksiz,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)
The present study aimed to determine aphid species in South Eastern regions of Turkey. The material of this study was collected during April to October 2016. As a result of the evaluation of the samples, 110 species and 1 subspecies recorded from study area, of them 9 species and 1 subspecies are determined as new records for Turkey aphid fauna: Aphis (Aphis) cirsiphila Pashtshenko, 1992; Aphis (Aphis) sanguisorbae Schrank, 1801, Aphis (Aphis) wartenbergi (Börner, 1952), Cinara (Cinara) intermedia (Pašek, 1953), Eulachnus cembrae Börner, 1950, Lipaphis (Lipaphis) pseudobrassicae (Davis, 1914), Pseudoregma panicola (Takahashi, 1921), Schizaphis (Euschizaphis) palustris Theobald, 1929, Sitobion (Sitobion) lambersi David, 1956 and Uroleucon (Uromelan) jaceaema crosiphon (Hille Ris Lambers, 1939). With these new records, the number of species and subspecies of aphids in Turkey increased to 541 and 13, respectively.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2021)
The present study seeks to answer the following question: 'why Turkey and Iran have been failed to use the critical junctures of recent decades as a starting point for national development and shaping regional development?' To answer the research question, new institutionalism was used as a theoretical approach to understand regional development. Acemoglu and Robinson's theory of Critical Junctures was also used to explain the reasons for the failure or success of countries in achieving development. In terms of research method, the present study is a case-oriented historical comparative study. The unit of analysis of this research is the country and global, international, regional and national events and conditions are selected and analyzed in relation to it. According to the study, Iran and Turkey have experienced two critical junctures since the 1990s, one as a result of internal processes and national elections and the other as a transnational event such as the military occupation of Iraq or the Arab Spring. It seems that Iran and Turkey have chosen the path of national development in the first critical juncture, but in the second critical juncture, both countries have entered into internal and regional tensions and conflicts and the process of national development have been encountered with several obstacles. In addition, the two countries have not been able to move institutionally and sustainably toward economic convergence over the past two decades. This inability has prevented the emergence of a developed region in the Middle East. The Middle East identity -based conflicts, exacerbated by foreign interventions and confrontational politics, have shifted the region's environment to militarization and security, making the space conducive to economic growth and prosperity leaving the region in poor economic growth and prosperity.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (12-2022)
As an important country in West Asia, Turkey has an influential position on Iran's foreign policy, and considering the bilateral and trans-regional relations in the relations between the two countries, it can be very important from a geopolitical point of view. Developments in recent years in Turkey have been mainly related to the foreign policy of that country. Relations between Turkey and Iran have undergone many changes throughout history. The two countries are considered as powerful non-Arab countries in the region that have common geographical and cultural features and do not consider each other as an existential threat. In recent years, political differences between the two countries over Syria and sometimes Iraq have led to political disputes between them. This scientific study examines the impact of Turkey's geopolitical actions in Iraq and Syria on reducing Iran's regional influence. The research method is descriptive-analytical, it is descriptive because it describes Turkey's geopolitical actions in Iraq and Syria and is analytical. This is because it expresses the impact of these actions on reducing Iran's regional influence. The method of collecting information is library, based on the use of relevant letters, reports, information and valid data. The results show that although Turkey's geopolitical actions have caused conflicts between the two countries, the maturity of the two countries' diplomacy and some similarities have led to the stability of relations.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2014)
The contribution of internal and external factors on the operation of democracies is one of the most controversial debates in democratization studies. General rules about the role of internal and external variables on democracies, due to their distinctiveness and specific identities, are hard to be established. However, historical examination could result in analyzing effective mechanisms of the variables’ effects, and knowing that mechanisms can pave the way for providing statements that are more general. Through analyzing the effects of dependency and the world system of economy on Iran, Turkey and Korea in a historical span of 1800 to 1961, this article attempts to explain the conditions of economic instability and failure of democratic consolidation in them from 1941 to 1961. The paper shows evidences on how the operation of democracies is shaped by the historical structure of the world system, their own path of history, and the interaction of internal and external factors.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (1-2021)
Background: This study was designed to investigate the frequency and tissue distribution of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) in turkeys with respiratory syndrome in Isfahan province.
Materials & Methods: Totally, samples were taken from the trachea, lung, air sac, infraorbital sinus, hock joint, blood of heart, brain, liver, spleen, intestine, and kidney of 30 turkey flocks. After DNA extraction, a 787 bp fragment of 16S rRNA gene of ORT was amplified.
Findings: The PCR results revealed that 53% of turkeys were infected by ORT. The results showed that although ORT was mainly found in the respiratory tract, it could be systemic and infect some other organs, including the joints, brain, liver, spleen, and blood of heart, but could not infect the intestines and kidneys.
Conclusion: Due to the lack of a clear pattern in tissue distribution of ORT among clinical samples, it seems that other factors play a role in ORT tissue distribution, such as dose, route, type of infection, and probably prevalent serotype.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2016)
With the arrival of waves of modernization in the Ottoman generally cultural, political and social life of muslems changed and the backgrounds of problems due to the confrontation between tradition and modernity and subsequently sociology emerged. Sociology in Turkey was raised in response to questions that have arisen in connection with the crisis expanded in intellectual, political and military life of the Ottoman Empire. The most important questions in the course are as follows: Why is collapsing Ottoman Empire? What is the government's rescue remedy? (Berkes: 1936). Intellectual efforts of scholars of the period for responding to these questions lead to the emergence of three main streams westernism, Turkism and Islamism. Thus the emergence of sociology in Turkey is linked with the development process of Westernism, Islamism and Turkism followed the decline of the Ottomanism policy. In this paper an overview of the history of the establishment of sociology in Turkey until now and expression of the problems encountered in Sociology in Turkey from the past to now are among the objectives that were studied.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2017)
This research attempts to explain the democratic consolidation in Iran and Turkey. To this end, the following research question is proposed: why Iran has stopped in transition phase and Turkey has moved toward consolidation.The theoretical model is extracted from the theories of democratization, consolidation of democracy, civil society and political parties. Based on the theoritical model, the hyphothesis of article is formulated: the institionalized political parties are the necessary condition for democratic consolidation. The institionalized political parties would reduce non-civilian actors and activities and is fertile ground to spreading democratic values such as toleration, moderation, trust and cooperation. The method in this article is historical comparative study. According to the emprical evidence, difference between the level of political parties’ institutionalization in Iran and Turkey has produced different results in terms of democratic consolidation in the two countries. In Turkey, since early 2000s, especially after the victory of the Justice and Development Party in the 2002 parliamentary elections, moving towards democratic consolidation phase has facilated, whereas the weakness of political parties’ institutionalization has caused democratization in Iran to cease in transition zone.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2021)
Every countrychr('39')s literature, in one hand is a mirror to itchr('39')s ideologies and thoughts and on the other hand is a reflection of that countrychr('39')s minoritychr('39')s views. Therefore; in international literature domain, novels, as a form of literature, gives the writer the ability to make a harmony between his own ideas and inner emotions and to transfer them to the reader in the end. Between the worldchr('39')s most famous writers there are some writers with similarities -however small- in the writing method and ideology. In the following essay we tried to compare and analyze the works of two female writers - one Iranian and one Turkish- after pointing out the basics of feministic critique. Zoya Pirzad between Iranian writers and Elif Shafak between Turkish writers are two novelists who seem to value and emphasize on the position of women. By going through this fact, in this essay we find out the attitude and views of the two writers regarding feministic critique barometers. Therefore in the following desk based research, using inductive methods, founded in analysis and characterization, wechr('39')ll analyze the works of these two great writers as well as getting to know the critics opinions on them.
Volume 10, Issue 48 (12-2022)
Examining the history of Ashiqs confirms that the peak of the literary creativity of Ashiqs is tied to the period of Safavid rule, and the evolution of Ashiq art took place after that period. One of the famous Ashiqs of Azerbaijan is "AşheqGhorbani". AshiqGhorbani is one of the Ashiqs committed to the court of Shah Ismail Safavi, who was famous and accepted during his lifetime. There is no information about the biography of Ghorbani in the historical sources, but his biography is based on his poems and the story that is narratedin the name of him and his beloved Pari or Parizad, a story that, like other stories of Ashiqlar, is connected with mythology. In addition to Iran, this story is also famous in Azerbaijan and Turkey with differences in epizods. In addition to examining the history of the Ghorbani, this article has compared the storey of "AshiqGhorbani and Pari" in the narratives of Iran and Turkey.
Volume 16, Issue 6 (11-2014)
Rapeseed is the most widely used oil crop in Europe and it is an ideal raw material for the production of biodiesel. Because of a high nutritional value and a relatively high omega-3 fatty acids content, rapeseed cake can be used in poultry nutrition for the enrichment of meat and eggs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using rapeseed cake in diets for turkeys for the purpose of enriching turkey meat with omega-3 fatty acids. In the study, 120 male day-old Nicholas 700 turkeys were used and randomly divided into 3 groups, each group with 4 replications (n= 10). The control groups of turkeys were fed on compound feed without rapeseed cake and the experimental groups were fed with 5 or 10% share of rapeseed cake in compound feed. Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the share of rapeseed cake of 5 or 10% in the compound feed did not cause any adverse impact on the performance of turkeys. Also, we established that there was an increase of the amount of omega-3 fatty acids with increased share of rapeseed cake and there was a positive trend of a decrease of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Positive financial effect of fattening can be expected, because rapeseed cake is a cheaper source of protein in comparison with the commonly used soybean meal. Therefore, rapeseed cake can be recommended in fattening of hybrid turkeys, with a share up to 10% in the compound feed.
Volume 16, Issue 7 (11-2014)
Wood and non-wood resources in the forests have occupied a very important place in human’s life, since the advent of history. And today, developing technology along with increasing needs enhance the importance of the other functions of forests, in parallel with wood production. Both in the world and as well in Turkey, one of the featured functions of forests is the production of Non-WoodForest Products (NWFP). Certain NWFPs are of high added value and are used in many such fields as food, pharmaceutics, and as well in cosmetics. It is emphatically essential to reveal the potential of these products by conducting studies. Vast contributions could be made to a country’s economy by increasing and utilizing these potentials. With this study, it is intended to reveal the existing as well as the future return within a period of six years to the Turkish economy of NWFPs through a utilization of the foreign trade and production data of the gone years.
Volume 18, Issue 5 (9-2016)
This study has three main objectives. Firstly, to put forward 2013 Turkey National Dairy Summit participants’ opinions about milk policy; secondly, to determine the possible factors affecting these opinions and finally; to put forth the solutions which were suggested by the participants for the determined problems. To achieve these goals, 83 participants were interviewed in the dairy summit. 43% of participants were agricultural engineers, 19% food engineers, 14% veterinarians, and 24% of them were from other occupations. The opinions of the participants on current milk policies in Turkey have been categorized as; ‘effective’, ‘undecided’,’ ineffective’, ‘not effective at all’. When responses of ‘effective’ were compared to the other three opinion groups using multinomial logistic regression, the results showed that factors such as, participants’ being an agricultural engineer, a veterinary practitioner, their education levels and their involvement in milk related issues within their occupation have distinguishing characteristics. Among the participants, 40% were of the opinion that the subsidiaries should be subject to milk quality and hygiene standards. Study findings indicated that a milk strategy plan should be prepared for the milk market to gain stability in the long term. To be effective in the market, this plan also should include regional feed and production strategy and should be prepared together with dairy farmer organizations.
Volume 19, Issue 3 (5-2017)
The purpose of this study was to determine the socio-economic and intellectual factors affecting the imported meat preferences of consumers and to reveal the personal prioritized preferences of buyers consuming domestic meat and imported meat. The study was carried out in Izmir, the third city of Turkey, where face-to-face interviews were conducted in 300householdswhose occupants shop at hypermarkets where domestic and imported meat is sold. 28.7% of those participating in the study prefer imported meat. As a result of logistic regression, the approach related to the share of cattle meat in the total meat spend, the age factor and the belief that the price of imported cattle meat is low positively affect the probability of consuming imported meat. The consumption of chicken and lamb and marital status has negative effects. The religious belief factor and the perception of taste in those consuming imported meat take priority in the personal preferences of domestic meat consumers. Long-term policies that will ensure stability in the market as a whole are needed in the livestock sector in Turkey. Improvement of meat quality, classification and the rising awareness of consumers regarding quality and farming according to nutritional requirements and the development of certification also have significant importance.
Volume 19, Issue 126 (8-2022)
Turkeys, including white meat, have been ranked second in abundance. In this study, were increased the quality, tenderization and sensory properties of turkey fillet by marinade solution. The effect of the addition of marinade solutions (5levels: distilled water (control sample), marinade solution (water + 5% Lactic acid + 3% NaCl), marinade solution and 900 ppm Oliveria decumbens Vent Essential oil, solution and 1400 ppm Ferula assa- foetida Extract) and time (2levels: 24 and 48h) on the texture characteristics of turkey’s meat were investigated based on completely randomized design. The studied traits included tissue shear force, microscopic structure, color evaluation, sensory evaluation, pH, cooking loss and absorption percent. The effect of marinade solution was significant on pH, shear force, Sensory quality and the effect of time was significant on shear force (p<0.05). In addition, salt and acid, in addition to crunching and flavoring the meat, increased yield, reduced cooking time and improved texture. The specimens treated with marinade had a significant difference in the maximum shear force for cutting (p<0.05). L* (lightness) of meat increased after meringue (p<0.05). The simultaneous use of acid, sodium chloride and aromatic herbs was a better option to improve the flavor and odor of meat and to increase its marketability.
Volume 29, Issue 3 (7-2022)
Developments and accomplishments of the newly founded Republic of Turkey in the first half of the 20th century had long been the focus of Reza Khan, the Pahlavi ruler of Iran. He considered Atatürk and his actions to be a good model for modern life. After ascending the throne, in parallel with the implementation of Western models, he applied the dominant thinking of Turkey about people’s way of life. Emphasis on the role of women, believing that the backwardness of social organization is the reason for the humiliation of women in the society, was closely pursued by Reza Shah as an important policy and as an ideology of his governance. Among special features and components of women's issues are their presence in the social fields, clothing, health, work and financial independence, and their education, which are addressed comparatively. The main question of this article is that despite the policies of Reza Shah's government regarding women, following the example of Atatürk, what similar achievement was made? If not, what were the reasons for this? The present article tries to identify different aspects of Iran and Turkey by using archival documents, newspapers, written sources, historical researches, and descriptive-analytical methods in examining instances of modernization by imitating Turkey. The result confirms the main point that it is not correct to equate the social modernization activities of Reza Shah and Atatürk. The personality structure, the level of knowledge and awareness, and how the two came to power had a different process, and finally, the society's approach to their position in power was also different. Reza Shah's perspective with Atatürk on women's issues and the actions taken by each of them to change the position of women followed different conditions, reactions, and consequences, which in this article is highlighted using a grounded theory and a background study on issues and finally an appropriate analysis is made based on the author's perception.
Volume 31, Issue 1 (1-2024)
The term “free zone” refers to designated areas in which companies are taxed very lightly and it enhances global market presence by attracting new business and foreign investments. For over a century, governments around the world have sought to boost and exploit the economic power of their particular regions and zones by designating them as “special” or “free” economic zones. The trend of establishing such zones or areas have gained momentum in the last four or five decades with countries accounting for small businesses and millions of direct or indirect jobs. The Middle East, especially the countries in the Persian Gulf, for some and other reasons, have particularly embarked on such a trend. The current paper tries to highlight benefits and challenges faced by free trade zones in Iran, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, taking into account recent global financial crises.