Volume 10, Issue 2 (2024)                   J. Insect Biodivers. Syst 2024, 10(2): 243-271 | Back to browse issues page

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Ben Khedher H. First checklist of halictid bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Anthophila, Halictidae) of Tunisia. J. Insect Biodivers. Syst 2024; 10 (2) :243-271
URL: http://jibs.modares.ac.ir/article-36-73830-en.html
Research Laboratory LR21AGR03, Regional Research Center for Horticulture and Organic Agriculture (CRRHAB) at Chott Meriem, 4042, Sousse University, Sousse -Tunisia , benkhedherhassib@gmail.com
Abstract:   (887 Views)
The first checklist of halictid bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) in Tunisia is established based on available data in the literature. This list contains 114 species belonging to four subfamilies (Halictinae Thomson; Nomiinae Robertson; Nomioidinae Börner; Rophitinae Schenck) and nine genera. The genus Lasioglossum Curtis within the subfamily Halictinae is the most diverse with 51 species and subspecies. The highest number of species is reported in the Tunisian south region with 51 species and subspecies. For each species, the global and provincial distribution in Tunisia is given based on the relevant literature. 40 taxa are without specific locality in Tunisia and confirmation of their presence in the country is needed. All reported species from Tunisia are Palaearctic and more than 20% of them have an exclusive north African distribution and among them, five species are endemic to Tunisia. This study is an initiative for further research on local wild bee faunas aiming to suggest their conservation strategies.
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Article Type: Research Article | Subject: Systematics/Hymenoptera
Received: 2023/03/27 | Accepted: 2024/01/29 | Published: 2024/02/14

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